Thursday, July 22, 2010

so that someday i will laugh...

mom suggested that i write some of this stuff down that has been happening so that someday i can look back and laugh...sure. jade is a maniac. she doesn't sleep. seriously. we have been fighting her for weeks on bed time. since we've moved into our new place we cannot tie her door closed. therefore we put her ot bed- she gets up- we put her to bed- she gets up and wakes up alana- repeat for two hours. so i gave in to cameron last night and we pushed her bedtime back an hour. why not put her to bed when she actually was falling asleep before...i put alana to bed first then sat on the floor and read to jade for an hour. we sang songs, we brushed her teeth, we said a prayer and i layed her bed. she was yawning and rubbing her eyes- so stinkin' tired, i thought this may actually work. my was i wrong. not even two minutes after i put her to bed she is up, she smiling little face peeking out the door- runs back to bed. three minutes later she wakes up alana. she wasn't asleep until ten. alana woke up at midnight, sometime later, three, and then jade woke up and then was up for good at 6:30am........yeah. the other night i prayed what to do and thought 'be more loving'. i'll tell you something thats the hardest thing to be. since i got a pass to seven peaks yesterday my new plan is the go every morning for an hour. we went, the girls were having a ball. after rescuing jade from trying to drowned herself under the tire swing for the fourth time it had been an hour and it was time to go home. i pulled jade out of the pool and the tantrum ensued. falling down, screaming, running away, trying to get back into the pool, a full blown death is approaching tantrum. finally strap both girls back into our car and i look over- lo and behold alana has thrown up all over herself...awesome. clean her up. on the way home i look back and more throw up and what is that, what is that all over her legs, her hands, oooooh diaherra...everywhere...throw up and diaherra all over everything....nothing could make this better. fast forward to after lunch. alana of course goes down like a saint since she is trying to transition to one nap a day. i put jade in my bed with books, toys, all her stuff. door, put her back to bed, door, put her back to bed, door....time out! crying crying crying crying crying crying crying crying crying. put her back to bed- she is finally out. maybe. yesterday she found the diaper cream i had accidently left on the floor and rubbed it all over her body, hair and the brand new carpet...this morning she found a blue colored pencil that i had left on the dest and marked all over a wall. how about some cute things? this morning cameron went to get alana out of bed and she was playing pook-a-boo with her blanket when he walked it. so cute. before the dredded naptime with jade we couldn't find her and she was sitting on her bed 'i'm reading daddy' dang cute. when i was stressed trying to clean diaherra and throw up off everything jade says 'i want to dance'. i cry most nights lately. if you wanted to know the truth here. motherhood is hard, i'm not good at it. i'm trying to figure out how to do this. but someday when i'm old and gray i believe i'll read over this and laugh and think wow what a ride that was.


Sarah said...

Hey sista,
can't believe the vomit/di combination in the carseat... That's pretty much awesome! so sorry.

you could try putting Jade to bed without any toys/books/hour long routines etc.. meaning, bedtime is just that.. bedtime. I used to do a much longer routine with ezra when he was younger and when it started backfiring on me, I cut most of it out. we don't read books at bedtime. we don't sing songs.. maybe one. we brush teeth and say prayers and that is it.

Anyway, I'm sure you've tried everything under the sun. Probably including this. Just trying to think of something to help.

you're an amazing mom though, that much I know for sure!!

I have another thought but I'm not sure if you're going to want to hear it. :)


Christie said...

i know your other thought- take away alana's bottle at bed time. we tried to let her cry it out the other night...that is another really long story- kind of have to be together as parents when you make children 'cry it out' etc...i cant do alone- any other ideas and i'm game.

Brittney said...

christie dear I am so excited to get to peek in on your life again. thank you so much. This post will someday make you laugh but it will take awhile my Sierra just turned 7 and now when I look back on those days they seem funny. On bed time I to had to cut back on everything. It seemed like the more I did the longer they would stay awake so then I would add another activity. Prayer, One story, One Kiss and Goodnight. Although I will tell you my trick You have to conditioner her body to do what you want so for the first 3 months every evening you give her bubble bath with lavender I love the California Baby Calming Bubble Bath (note very little toys this is a calming bath not an energize playtime) Second a body massage with you guessed it lavender and oil. I liked Burts Bees apricot oil and then added a few drops of lavender. Third the warm mircrowave bear or bag of lavender. And if this doesn't teach her body how to transition smoothly into sleep time you can add hylands calm forte tablets. I know it sounds like a lot but my girls both transition into sleep with no problem now. Once in awhile they will not be able to sleep and they will usually come and ask for there bears to be heated and the moment lavender is in the air. Their little bodies say sleep and they do. I hope this helps and I know how devastating it can feel when you have no sleep yourself and you feel like motherhood comes naturally to everyone but you.. Sorry this is a long post but I wanted to share what worked for my wild girls.... love you cuz and good luck

Brittney said...

hey christie its me again. I just remembered one other thing for sleeping. Sometimes we try to help with night lights and music. Oceana needed Andre Bocelli Sogno or Josh Groban and a purple night light. Sierra needed it dark and no music. She did sleep better with the fan noise. So we put Oceana to sleep first and then come in turn off the night light and music and Sierra is then out within moments. love ya