Sunday, August 31, 2014


this is not as easy as you would think to keep this habit alive. its not that i dont love writing, its the pressure of writing about the week. will i forget things? (yes) will i be able to really describe it properly? (no) i know that this is important but honestly i hope no one ever reads this again because i'm sure i'm missing the very most important parts of life in this blog. so what happened this week? well on saturday i had brunch with david and john. it was great. then as a family we went over to john's house and picked fruit. they have so much fruit growing in the back yard of this new house they are renting that it is out of control. the twins had been SO fussy. so after picking fruit for 3+hours i took them to the instacare. they would only be happy if i was holding them AND standing up. i held them both (at the same time) and swayed for over three hours while at the drs office. william has a terrible ear infection and calvin is so congested in his lungs that the prescribed me a nebulizer. awesome. i did not get home until after 11 pm. it was a long long day. stayed home from church today since they were sick. make plum jam, plum pie and canned whole plums. dont worry managed to break a mason jar while trying to seal it up, getting the oven flithy and cutting my hand was successful i'd say. JJ had a talk today in primary. i wrote down what she wanted to say and that girl is hilarious. it was about keeping the sabath day holy. the best line- and why cant we have another day to play? because then when would we go to church and learn about jesus! she is so funny. so engaged. i'm sad i missed her actually giving it. ok so this week........alana is still loving school and every day asks when ballet is or soccer or piano. she is also convinced that everyday is either walker, Jadynne or her own birthday. its a hard thing to have to tell her 'no its not their birthday today'. she is doing better at not wetting the bed at night. thank heavens! we were about to lose it. she is also getting better at practicing the piano with me everyday. watching her play soccer is so sweet because you see how little competition means to her. she kicks the ball and is excited to be in the game but she is just as happy to see other kick the ball. her words are getting so much better as well. being around kids everyday that are her age i think is really helping her already.
Jadynne is so funny. she is doing better at violin wchih is nice and still really loves it. she is funny to watch at soccer because sometimes she is super focused on the ball and other times she is staring off into neverland watching the fairies dance with peter pan. i didn't expect her to get tired as often as she does. i guess that is what happens when you dont eat much and your just a tiny little thing. she is also loving school. most of the time she comes home really happy. everyday i ask her waht she learned about and still she wont anwser my question. i think its become a joke for her now. the other day she came home sad because she didn't have anyone to play with at recess and no one picked her for some game they were doing in the classroom. i dont want to be one of those over bearing helicopter mothers but i HATE that anyone would hurt her feelings. i think she is seriously the coolest kid and cant imagine anyone NOT wanting to play with her.she is sweet and funny. i dont get it. i tried to help her solve the problem by thinking of people she could ask to play with. i just know how it feels to feel out of place. first grade was SO hard for me. it was when i realized i couldn't read and the other kids started to realize it too. other grades were worse but i dont want school to ever be bad for her. i want her to just love it and have everyone see how great she is. Regean (our neighbor) can be a great kid and nice to her but sometimes! man she can be such a brat and hurt JJ's feelings so badly. it makes me want to yell at regean. i just want to tell regean you are not as cool as you think you are. buck up kid. i dont know what to do. then alana comes home and tells me that there is a kid at school that is mean to her and hits her. she tells me things that i know dont happen (like they went to the beach, or they have water parties everyday) but if some boy really is being mean to her what do i do? do i tell the teacher and make sure she is aware? do i find out who it is and talk to that kids mother? or do i leave it alone and allow my daughters to grow through these terrible experiences? does ever parent think their kid is the cutest most amazing kid in the world? probably. but mine really are. so i haven't figured out what to do about the 'mean kids' thing yet. i think its important to figure out how to deal with crappy people but i also dont want them to learn about crappy people too young. or hurt unnecessarily. being a parent is hard. there are days i just feel like i am failing these children. like what am i doing?
walker is cute and SO WHINY. IT is making cameron and i lose it. we are just ready to go to the loony bin. he screams and cries no matter what is going on. if he is nto getting his way imediately he flips his lid. the other night he said 'mom go fill up my sippy cup this instant!' yeah. thanks buddy. today he was yelling at me on the floor that he wanted syrup. i said (for the hundredth time) i am making the syrup buddy you can wait. --still screaming-- so finally i said, look buddy you cannot yell and boss me around! i am your mother. i carried you in my tummy for 9 months. i could have chosen not to have you! you will be respectful to me!
perhaps i went a little overboard on that. i just was so frustrated! between the twins never sleeping in the day longer than 15mins and walker throwing fits i'm about to run my head into a wall.
cameron has decided to learn to play the piano so he is outside right now practicing a song he wants to learn. it hink its great. he has always wished he played so GO GET EM BABE! the house is a disaster. i have so much to perserve and can tomorrow. i still need to register for slcc so taht we can get started on going to school. if i dont get everyhting set up it wont happen. i also need to schedule an appt for cam for his knee. i need to get back on the diet for this 60 day challenge. there feels like a weight on my chest that just wont go away i have so much to do. i never get enough done and i'm always behind. always. if i dont get the fruit done in time it will go bad. like half the plums i got from a friend. perfect. i'm sitting at the computer feeling overwhelmed and 'stress paralyzed'. so i'm going to go to bed and start the day fresh, happy and anew.
all the fermenting- bread in the bread maker, apple cider being made from apple cores, apple sauce, beet sauerkraut, the kefir was in the fridge. its gotten a bit crazy.

have to workout everyday for this 60day challenge so this is me at midnight after finally finishing my workout

both boys at the instacare for the 10mins i got to sit down since i was feeind william. see calvin's head? he was on his belly on my legs

the beginnings of plum jelly. has to boil for like 2 days so that is the beginning.

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