Monday, May 11, 2009


Well, update for everyone. I am currently sitting in a hosptial bed under 24hour supervision... My blood pressure this morning so high they sent me to the hospital. Unfortunately I'm not dilated at all, since I want to have a vaginal delivery they are willing give me 24hrs to see if my blood pressure will go down. Yeah. If it doesn't go down then they will induce me, if it will go down then they will give me a week...But, I am now on serious bed rest. No more of this kinda bed rest where I still run after my kid- serious bed rest, cant do anything but sit in my bed.... I'm really excited about all of this. Cant you tell? Theres the update. All this planning and work for a home birth and my body seems to be turning against me. Oh well, just thought I'd let everyone know. I may or may not be having this baby today. Pray for lower blood pressure.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


OK, we are going to be making our blog private here pretty quick, so if you want to still be able to access it then you need to put your email address in the comment area. so that i can put it on a list of 'ok' users...i am planning on making the blog private around the 15th(ish). so, that gives everyone TEN days to put their emails in the comment area. So, if you are as addicted to seeing Jadynne as I am, and want to see pictures of Alana when she gets here i suggest that you put your email address in. Thanks!