Wednesday, June 24, 2009

My perfect moment

Everyone knows that I have been a complaining machine about my life at the moment. But yesterday I had a perfect moment. My sweet husb got the little kiddy pool all ready for us during his lunch break. I got Alana happy and had her in my moby wrap. As I sat in a camping chair under the shade Jade played in the pool. Alana was asleep and Jade was happy. She was splashing and trying to drink the water. It was sunny and warm outside. When I was little I dreamed of what it would be like to be a mother, and this was it. Me sitting holding a baby while my other one played in the water. A perfect moment. It only lasted for just that, a moment. But it was enough. Enough to remind me how wonderful it is to be a mom, and how wonderful it is to be blessed with little angels. I think that being a mom is super hard, its tiring, stressful, tedious etc. With all of the hard why would someone do this? Because of the perfect moments we have. I want to always notice and treasure those moments. I just thought I would share my moment, and let everyone know that life really is great. At some point my little sweethearts wont want to be held all the time or be outside in a pool with just a cup and some boats. When I'm old I know I will rememeber the shining sun warming my legs while I watch Jade splash and feel Alana squirm. Happiness, perfection.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Cameron and Christie- who are they?!?

Well, it was brought to my attention that Cameron and I only are featured in this blog by way of pictures. In an attempt to remedy this why dont I share a little bit about what is going on with us, the parents.
ME- ........i'm tired. I've finally started to exercise again which is wonderful, except I'm realizing how weak I am now (after two kids). I'm going to Dana's wedding next week, which I'm very excited about. Although at the same time I'm super worried about how Alana is going to do, when she gets mad its not a small thing...she goes from upset to irate in a matter of moments. I no longer sleep, ever. And since I'm breastfeeding I'm a super restrictive diet..Alana seems to be allergic to everything. I read at night because during the day I'm bouncing to try to keep Alana happy or I'm paying attention to Jade or the house. I dream at night about stories i'm going to write someday when I have time.
Cameron- He is playing city league softball right now and his team is #2. They are going to play in the tournment soon. Hopefully i'll finally get to see him play. He is a great ball player though, without him on the team they would be demolished. :) He will never tell you that though, much to modest. My own speedy gonzolis. He isn't in school this summer (thank heavens). He seriously needed a break. Instead he keeps busy with work and us. his girls. He is the best father anyone could ask for. He never sherks when I need him or one of this girls needs him. One of the best things about Cameron is that he totally has his priorities in order. Family first. Jade has him wrapped around her finger and once Alana is big enough to focus on him there will be no hope there either. It will end up being my job to keep the girls from being completely spoiled. Cameron is also taking guitar lessons right now. He is doing really well. Honestly I just have the best husband a woman could ask for. He is so sweet and so wonderful. He is understanding and kind. I love him so much. But better than everything else is that he is my best friend. He can always make me laugh, even when i'm mad at him. he is fun and easy to be with. he is a good thinker and very smart. he is passionate and alround perfect for me. he calms me down, relaxes that spring i inherited from my parents. i love him.
So, there are the parents...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Monkey Chair

So, Jade is in love with chairs, big or small. We have been scoping out chairs for a while knowing we need to get her one. Yesterday I scored BIG time, I found a camping chair that has a monkey on the top, oh yes! So cute. I set it up and she has been carrying it around with her ever since, making sure its in the same room as her- just in case she needs a place to can get so hard and tiresome, you always need a chair to lounge in. Haha.
I had to share this story because its hilarious. We were babysitting our friend Bradly the other night. He is a few months younger than Jade. We got out all our toys and were letting them go to town while we watched the Lakers kill Orlando. Then we hear Brad and Jade screaming at each other. I turn around and they are both holding on this fish book. Each one trying to over power the other. Well, Brad is bigger than Jade (go figure) so it was a stand still. I therefore took the book and told them if they couldn't share neither of them would get it. As I turn away Jadynne looks at Brad with a smirk on her face and says 'Thank you'. Then she saunters away. Such a girl with tude.
Life otherwise is fine. We are very tired in this house. I think though we may be getting a handle on what to do with Mae Mae. I'm off onions all dairy and after my experiment of going back on chocolate, that is once again banned. I'm just sick of getting thrown up, bye bye my addiction. I'm also taking gas x...all these things combined seem to be making a difference. I'm only bouncing part of the day instead of all of it. She has of course lost most of her hair on top. She now has her daddy's hair line. :) Jade is so wonderful with her. She absolutely loves Alana. When she cries Jade will bring her a bincky and try to put in her mouth, or a blanket or even one time she tried to give Alana her specail stuffed dog named 'woof woof'. Heavenly Father knows what he is doing. These girls will be super tight. Cameron and I may be dead by the end of it but these girls will be best buds. Alright screaming children require my attention.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Alana Mae Brady

Please welcome to the world, ALana Mae Brady. She was born May 15th at the 9:15pm. It was a very painful very long process. Thankfully it is over now. I do not think we will be going threw that again anytime soon. So, I have been incredibly busy and haven't had time to post anything. So here is a slide show of our lives since May 15th. Thankfully my mom was in town for Alana's first week of life. Than we were blessed to have Cameron's family come to visit. Since then it has been just us. Screaming, crying, sleeping, pooping kids and two very very very very tired parents. Whoever says that the second kid is easier is full of it. Maybe for them the second kid was easier but that is not the case for us. Anyway, hopefully i will be able to post more frequently. Enjoy the pics. oh and ps- if you've called and i haven't called you back, i'm sorry try again...i dont anwser my phone anymore. ;) if you want more details of our lives you will need to call us...or just come in person as then we'll actually be able to talk to you...maybe. :)