Sunday, August 31, 2014


this is not as easy as you would think to keep this habit alive. its not that i dont love writing, its the pressure of writing about the week. will i forget things? (yes) will i be able to really describe it properly? (no) i know that this is important but honestly i hope no one ever reads this again because i'm sure i'm missing the very most important parts of life in this blog. so what happened this week? well on saturday i had brunch with david and john. it was great. then as a family we went over to john's house and picked fruit. they have so much fruit growing in the back yard of this new house they are renting that it is out of control. the twins had been SO fussy. so after picking fruit for 3+hours i took them to the instacare. they would only be happy if i was holding them AND standing up. i held them both (at the same time) and swayed for over three hours while at the drs office. william has a terrible ear infection and calvin is so congested in his lungs that the prescribed me a nebulizer. awesome. i did not get home until after 11 pm. it was a long long day. stayed home from church today since they were sick. make plum jam, plum pie and canned whole plums. dont worry managed to break a mason jar while trying to seal it up, getting the oven flithy and cutting my hand was successful i'd say. JJ had a talk today in primary. i wrote down what she wanted to say and that girl is hilarious. it was about keeping the sabath day holy. the best line- and why cant we have another day to play? because then when would we go to church and learn about jesus! she is so funny. so engaged. i'm sad i missed her actually giving it. ok so this week........alana is still loving school and every day asks when ballet is or soccer or piano. she is also convinced that everyday is either walker, Jadynne or her own birthday. its a hard thing to have to tell her 'no its not their birthday today'. she is doing better at not wetting the bed at night. thank heavens! we were about to lose it. she is also getting better at practicing the piano with me everyday. watching her play soccer is so sweet because you see how little competition means to her. she kicks the ball and is excited to be in the game but she is just as happy to see other kick the ball. her words are getting so much better as well. being around kids everyday that are her age i think is really helping her already.
Jadynne is so funny. she is doing better at violin wchih is nice and still really loves it. she is funny to watch at soccer because sometimes she is super focused on the ball and other times she is staring off into neverland watching the fairies dance with peter pan. i didn't expect her to get tired as often as she does. i guess that is what happens when you dont eat much and your just a tiny little thing. she is also loving school. most of the time she comes home really happy. everyday i ask her waht she learned about and still she wont anwser my question. i think its become a joke for her now. the other day she came home sad because she didn't have anyone to play with at recess and no one picked her for some game they were doing in the classroom. i dont want to be one of those over bearing helicopter mothers but i HATE that anyone would hurt her feelings. i think she is seriously the coolest kid and cant imagine anyone NOT wanting to play with her.she is sweet and funny. i dont get it. i tried to help her solve the problem by thinking of people she could ask to play with. i just know how it feels to feel out of place. first grade was SO hard for me. it was when i realized i couldn't read and the other kids started to realize it too. other grades were worse but i dont want school to ever be bad for her. i want her to just love it and have everyone see how great she is. Regean (our neighbor) can be a great kid and nice to her but sometimes! man she can be such a brat and hurt JJ's feelings so badly. it makes me want to yell at regean. i just want to tell regean you are not as cool as you think you are. buck up kid. i dont know what to do. then alana comes home and tells me that there is a kid at school that is mean to her and hits her. she tells me things that i know dont happen (like they went to the beach, or they have water parties everyday) but if some boy really is being mean to her what do i do? do i tell the teacher and make sure she is aware? do i find out who it is and talk to that kids mother? or do i leave it alone and allow my daughters to grow through these terrible experiences? does ever parent think their kid is the cutest most amazing kid in the world? probably. but mine really are. so i haven't figured out what to do about the 'mean kids' thing yet. i think its important to figure out how to deal with crappy people but i also dont want them to learn about crappy people too young. or hurt unnecessarily. being a parent is hard. there are days i just feel like i am failing these children. like what am i doing?
walker is cute and SO WHINY. IT is making cameron and i lose it. we are just ready to go to the loony bin. he screams and cries no matter what is going on. if he is nto getting his way imediately he flips his lid. the other night he said 'mom go fill up my sippy cup this instant!' yeah. thanks buddy. today he was yelling at me on the floor that he wanted syrup. i said (for the hundredth time) i am making the syrup buddy you can wait. --still screaming-- so finally i said, look buddy you cannot yell and boss me around! i am your mother. i carried you in my tummy for 9 months. i could have chosen not to have you! you will be respectful to me!
perhaps i went a little overboard on that. i just was so frustrated! between the twins never sleeping in the day longer than 15mins and walker throwing fits i'm about to run my head into a wall.
cameron has decided to learn to play the piano so he is outside right now practicing a song he wants to learn. it hink its great. he has always wished he played so GO GET EM BABE! the house is a disaster. i have so much to perserve and can tomorrow. i still need to register for slcc so taht we can get started on going to school. if i dont get everyhting set up it wont happen. i also need to schedule an appt for cam for his knee. i need to get back on the diet for this 60 day challenge. there feels like a weight on my chest that just wont go away i have so much to do. i never get enough done and i'm always behind. always. if i dont get the fruit done in time it will go bad. like half the plums i got from a friend. perfect. i'm sitting at the computer feeling overwhelmed and 'stress paralyzed'. so i'm going to go to bed and start the day fresh, happy and anew.
all the fermenting- bread in the bread maker, apple cider being made from apple cores, apple sauce, beet sauerkraut, the kefir was in the fridge. its gotten a bit crazy.

have to workout everyday for this 60day challenge so this is me at midnight after finally finishing my workout

both boys at the instacare for the 10mins i got to sit down since i was feeind william. see calvin's head? he was on his belly on my legs

the beginnings of plum jelly. has to boil for like 2 days so that is the beginning.

Monday, August 25, 2014

8/25/2014 starting school

so last week was the first week of school for alana and jj. wow. what a week. so busy. they are both doing ballet, soccer and a musical class. jj is doing violin again and alana is going a piano class. it has been hectic. i did not get all the stuff done i needed to get done. what a nightmare that was. walker got sick on saturday (threw up three times). i had to teach on sunday in RS. i loved that. i love to teach it is amazing. the spirit teaches me so much while i prepare and then when i teach i learn so much. its awesome. i love to feel the spirit so strong. the girls each had soccer games during the week then on saturday. it was wonderful to see. it has been busy busy busy. thankfully soccer is only this month. i got alana out of practices but of course Trevor (our neighbor and JJ's coach) wants to do 2 practices a week in addition to the 2 games. aaahhhhhh! i think NO NO NO. i mean the kids are 6 and 7. alana is loving school. jj keeps saying that her teacher is the nicest person in the world but that she is teaching her like a kindergartner. not sure what that means. ok i'll have to post again this week because i have to get out of here to pick up alana.

Monday, August 18, 2014

8/18/2014- just before school starts

ok ok ok i'm a day late. sigh. honestly i forgot last night. so i'm thinking that monday morning will have to work this week. at least its within 12 hrs! dammit it counts! well this was our last week of summer. starting tomorrow school starts for the kids and starting today is ballet. so the craziness essentially starts today. i have the girls in ballet and soccer and jj is doing the violin while alana is taking a beginning piano class. although the piano class is more like a general music class they do theory and singing stuff too. i think she will love it. especially since she is making up songs all the time. this morning she was standing on the patio by herself just singing away. so cute. thankfully soccer only lasts for a month so it wont be this crazy the whole year just this first month. alana and JJ are loving soccer. they are pretty cute- we still need to get them shoes and shin gaurds-add it to the list. i dont have walker in anything. i kind of feel bad about it but at the same time he doesn't turn three until the 8th of september and its ok for a three year old not to be in stuff right? i mean he's little still. he has become quite the pill bucket though. screaming his little face off so much! he just gets so mad when he doesn't get what he wants.
what did we do this week? nothing exciting. we went for a hike on saturday up the the grotto.  it was wonderful. at first walker was very hesitant about hiking without holding our hands but cameron kept saying 'you can do it buddy' and soon walker was saying 'i can do this! i can do this! dad i did it! look i did it!' the kids really had a great time hiking. JJ didn't want to stop hiking and i think we would have kept going had alana not fallen down and scrapped her knee. after that alana was ready to be done. we went to costco right afterward and it must have been the day for multiples to be at costco!  we met a family with twins by the diapers and then another family who had 9 month old triplets. bless that mamas heart. it was crazy. its nice to know that there are other people in the world who understand the craziness of multiples. i kind of dont remember what its like to have just ONE baby. Cameron is in the process of moving the babies into walker's old room. so walker is with the girls and we will have the twins in another room- dun duh dun!! we will have our own room! its pretty crazy though because he also decided we need to switch the clothes for the boys and sell the stuff they aren't wearing which means that we have bags of clothes to sell everywhere! its a mess. i tell you what one day of not cleaning ruins the house for weeks!
this week i made grape juice and went up to uofu with cameron for an informational meeting about occupational therapy. we are both going to get our masters in that in the next few years. its going to take tons of work essentially we both have 10 prereq classes to take and the gre before december 2015. ouch. its going to be a little crazy i'll tell you that. it will be something i think we will both really enjoy and make good money- plus plus.
i can tell that school needs to start because the kids are getting more and more wild. they have been at each other's throats lately. the other day i hear the kids not just crying but screaming crying- i go upstairs- whats the matter? 'alana wont listen to me, she hurts my feelings when she doesn't listen to me!' 'Jadynne doesn't want to play with me!' 'I was trying to tell her i wanted to play with her but she wouldn't listen to me!"
yeah. i know. i'm not cut out for all that emotion.  either they are fighting with each other or they are fighting with the neighbor kids. 'she doesn't like me' 'they wont play with me' 'they are keeping secrets' and when i go outside the neighbor kids are saying the same thing about them or that they aren't listening! its time for school!!! it will be nice to have walker here without the girls everyday, i think we can play and it will be good for us to have alone time (kinda with the twins). ok since it is monday morning i have tons to do- exercise, go pick apples to can, make strawberry freezer jam, clean clean clean, oh and i'm forgetting something cameron wanted me to do....shoot.

forgot to add- mom got her diagnosis this last week and!!! it was stage one! so they removed the mass. we live in a miraculous time. she had cancer in the morning and that afternoon she no longer had cancer. isn't that amazing! so she will have to go back in every couple months for the next year or two to make sure that nothing grows back but she is going to be great. what a relief. 

Sunday, August 10, 2014

real food. oh and a mass

here we are week two of the new goals and i have at least accomplished doing this blog two weeks in a row. that should be award worthy.Last sunday i came up with a four week schedule of cleaning chores and a list of daily cleaning chores. apparently most women are just born knowing what needs to be done in order for the house to look 'homey' special towels in the bathroom you dont use (learned that one when i was with my sister-in-laws last month...and here i was thinking we only have towels in bathrooms to dry your hands or body on...who knew they were decorative in actually houses and not just fancy shmansey hotels) or that you need to actually clean the oven more than once a year (or ever) or that...i dont know but apparently there are a litany of things i dont actually know- SO in order to remedy this problem i came up with a cleaning schedule and wowzers it has really worked. my house has never looked as clean in its whole life of being built. honestly, i'd bet you from the time the timbers were put into place and the paint was slapped on it has been dirtier than how it looked most of this week. most days i was dripping with sweat as i worked my little hiney off to get my lists checked off. then thursday night happened.
i called my mom to talk to her about a podcast cameron had sent me and she laid a bomb down. now she was very ninja like in her approach as she waited until we had talked for 20 minutes about the podcast- suddenly her little foot came up and boom! 'so hunny i need to tell you something kind of serious, they found a mass in my bladder today during the ultra-sound and its looks like i probably have bladder cancer.'
lets let that sink in for a moment
bladder cancer
bladder         Cancer
feel it, feel it down to your bones, feel it in your gut, let that marinate on your little synapses.
feels like sandpaper on your soul doesn't it. its that dead feel when you cant really feel but you know once your heart starts beating again its really going to hurt because part of it might be dieing. now you cant really let yourself feel any of the things you want or do feel because everything is still in the 'if' stage. there is no clear path and with no clear path blackness seems to reign. the worst endings come about. the mind whirls around trying to figure out which way to go. do we flip out? do we stay calm? what does this all mean really? not mom. not my best friend. even if death is a far away idea i still hurt with the idea of what cancer treatment means. chemo is essentially a nuke going off in a person's body. they give patients poison to kill the cancer...but its poison. my mother who is alive and vibrant and brilliant cannot, should not endure such pain. then i realize that many daughters have sat where i am sitting, more daughters have been in worse seats. sitting there thinking- not my mom- not her. understanding that it may be minimal- understanding it could be much worse doesn't change the off kilter beats of my heart because my mother is a constant force. she has been a strong force forever- never to be dimmed or diminished- she couldn't be hurt or ever really be gone because she
so i want to sit in a corner and read all day- hiding in another world- i want to reach out to my brothers and hug them knowing their hearts are on the fritz with mine. mostly i want to know exactly what is going on and for my freak out to be dramatic and all for nothing because lo and behold that mass or growth or tumor (pick your adjective) is simply a skin tag inside. i have been a wreck. i feel stupid for being a wreck. i should just handle this. but the truth is i'm a girl, a whimpy dramatic girl. needless to say my lists and schedules didn't work so hot friday and saturday. tomorrow begins a new week and it will be stellar.
onto the kids. we started the twins on real food yesterday. william was not a huge fan. he gummed it around for a minute but mostly looked like he wanted to choke. calvin on the other hand is in love. first time he ate two bowl fulls. he loved the stuff. i certainly hope that means he will start putting on more weight. next to william he looks anorexic. they are sleeping through the night and it is brilliant. they smile so much. they laugh those little wind up squeals- right before they can actually giggle. mostly they are just trying to make noises now and it is super cute. oh those boys.
I caught him the other day standing with a neighbor boy (micah) with their pants around their ankles standing in the front yard. micah was teaching him how to pee in the lawn.  perfect. three bathrooms is not enough you need a lawn just in case! today during sacrament meeting he dropped his notebook and yelled 'damnit!' well at least everyone knows what i say when i'm frustrated. cameron and i couldn't help but laugh. oops. he is now sleeping in the girls room again. we want to move the twins and he loves to be with his sisters so much. when they aren't around he asks where's 'lana where's jadynne? darling. his new thing this week is to run as fast as he can around the kitchen and end at the front door slamming it shut (ifs it open) or just running into it as hard as he can. all the while yelling 'mom watch me so fast!'

this was her last week of jump start- the little program before kindergarden to help her adjust. she loved it. i had no idea what was going on because she would say stuff like 'we have a water party everyday' or 'my teacher made me cookies and candy and we ate them and went to the beach and had a water party' i do know she loved her teacher. so thats good. she felt so special to go every morning with cameron- just the two of them when he would drop her off. she did pretty good this week cleaning her room. she helped me make rice crispy treats tonight and chattered away at me with her eyes as big as walnuts. she told me she learned a new song in primary and proceeded to make one up. picking out different things in the kitchen for lyrics.
well a few days ago she went outside with her new notebook and pen and told me she was going to study the weather. about an hour and half later she had drawn the sun in the sky. she was doing experiments on the weather and needed to make observations. she also hung up a blanket under alanas bed slats so that she could put all her stuffed animals in there (like a net) and still be able to sleep on her bed underneath. such a smarty pants. i was making dinner the other night and she asked to have the empty cans after a bit i relented and she made 'bongo' drums with them all i had to give her was tape. amazing. this kid is so creative. she makes me so proud. everyday she surprises me with her little brainy ideas.
Cameron has been amazing. sweet and attentive. the cleaner house has really been wonderful for this family unit. we are trying to study words for the gre together. which is funny because now he is saying these crazy words all the time trying to fit them in. its pretty great.
so thats the week.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

New goal- post once a week

Cameron wants me to do this blog again as a family journal and i think its probably a great idea as well. but usually i dont do my ideas without some push on his part. Generally i feel overwhelmed. The twins came April 24 quite late at night actually.  I went into the drs that day and my bp was through the roof. Dr Allen didn't want to wait any longer so he said 'well it looks like we are having babies today'.  I had time to go home and get stuff together- drop kids off etc. Then we went in shot me up and got me into surgery.  This was one of the best anesthesiologist i've had.  Usually i totally barf when the meds hit but not this time. we joked and laughed during surgery. i was pretty loopy.  When they cut into me there was a sharp intake of breath and Dr Allen said to his assistant- did you see how thin that was?  Apparently my uterine wall was super super thin- like almost to a uterine rupture.  So its good that we were already planning on getting my tubes tied because i couldn't get pregnant again. Then when they pulled the babies out dr allen said 'christie it looks like we were wrong these boys are not identical!' and they sure aren't.  Calvin came out bald skinny and angry. poor thing was being squished the whole time. William came out with a full head of dark hair and fat! So we named the boys Calvin Enoch Robert and William Rhys Clarke.  yes we gave them two middle names. We couldn't decide on names so we had to do two middle names, i mean they will already be 'the twins' why not give em two middle names as well?
The boys went straight into the nicu.  Calvin was on oxygen right away but william wasn't on it for the first few days.  its so lucky that i got the steroid shot before the babies came otherwise we probably would have come home on oxygen. what a nightmare. since the boys were in the nicu they coudln't bring them into me. i was dieing. honestly. they told me that i couldn't come and see the boys until i could walk and they weren't going to let me out of hte bed until the next morning. meaning that i wouldn't get to even see them or hold them or anything until the next day. thankfully a sweet sweet nurse brought the boys in to see me so that i wouldn't have to wait that long. because the boys were so early they couldn't nurse which meant that i had to pump. what a flippin nightmare. honestly whoever invented that torture device hated mothers- hated them! i had to pump every 2 hours for at least 20minutes but generally that meant that i pumped for 45. by the time the boys came out of the nicu i was producing so much milk i could have fed the whole nicu by myself. The hardest day was leaving those sweet boys in the nicu. after 5 days they kicked me out but the boys stayed- calvin for 16 days and william for 14. i would pump at home and then would drive up twice a day to bring them milk and nurse them. it was heartbreaking to see all the little wires all over their little bodies. i didn't feel like they were mine for the first few days because i didn't think i could undress them and look at them or hold them skin to skin. finally i just took their clothes off put em both on my chest and rocked for a while. then i knew they were mine.
William looks like Joel and Calvin looks like my dad so i guess we have both sides of the family representing. honestly if i hadn't seen william right after he came out of me i wouldn't have known he was mine, he looks so different from my other babies. fat from the beginning. such beautiful big cheeks and all that hair! maybe cameron has some mexican blood in him after all. :) Calvin just looked like an angry alien for so long. he is finally getting cheeks and getting fatter. about a month ago i wined them from nursing and now calvin is so much happier. it just didn't matter what i took out of my diet the boys were mad. i took out chocolate, dairy, onions, most veggies...i mean it was awful and to hear their little screams- couldn't do it anymore. so on to soy formula we go and calvin is finally happy. william was usually pretty happy once i got off dairy but what i do with one i'm doing with the other. i really miss nursing. i miss holding them so close- knowing that i was giving them something so important. i try not to feel guilty about it because honestly this is better for them but then i go to the wic office and it has these huge posters about the importance of nursing. sigh. i just wanted my babies happy and gaining weight. william bless his heart is enormous. that kid is a block. calvin on the other hand is just like JJ- skinny skinny skinny. when he cries you can see his 6 pack already.
about two weeks ago we blessed the boys. it was wonderful. cameron gave beautiful blessings. i wish i would have written them down but i was trying to handle the other kids. even with that much family there i still felt that i had to make sure that my older three were good. so here is what i remember
Calvin- charity-go on a mission- get married in the temple- hope- purpose of life and learning and understanding the importance of that and living correctly-
William- peace maker- faith-hope- go on a mission- married in the temple- purpose of life and learning and understanding the importance of that and living correctly
i know pitiful that i dont remember more. but they were beautiful. Cameron didn't cry this time which is amazing. he stood up there for quite a while keeping it together then he was able to bless them. When they blessed calvin my dad had a bottle that they put in his mouth that kept him quiet. but i guess william just looked up at everyone and smiled the whole time. we had so many people come that when everyone came over it was madness. we did it the same weekend that scott knudson got married which meant a lot of my family was already in town. it was so hot! i felt bad for everyone that came over  after sacrament but we just didn't have the space for 60 people in our downstairs.
so mostly we just feed babies, burp babies and try to make sure they dont die. the older kids love these little guys so much. i was worried there would be jealousy on walker's part but there really hasn't been. he LOVES them. he and alana are on the brink of killing them quite often because they want to hold them and love on them so much. on friday walker stacked pillows all over william - almost smothering him- because he wanted him to be comfortable.  JJ has been a great help. at first she really liked helping but now she is starting to complain when we ask her to feed the boys or if she cant get them to be quiet.
onto the older three kids-
JJ plays with friends all the time. she is getting so big. i love to see her personality come out. she is such a smarty pants. always coming up with ways to make money or do 'science' experiments. she sold some paper hats to a neighbor kid the other day for 2 dollars. then she went door to door selling rocks- or she sold paper airplanes. she loves to mix up anything with water to see what happens. she mixes food coloring or cornmeal or baking soda and dirt with water. she makes "habitats" for rolly pollies or slugs or even these little plastic balls she found on the road that she is convinced are bird eggs. i cant wait to see what she decides to study in college.  She is so curious about everything. the other day she figured out how to climb a tree with a rope- she had cameron throw the rope over a branch then she used the rope and her feet to get up the tree. amazing. such a smarty. she talks all the time! she just has so much going on in her little head that she talks constantly and she remembers everything. we are starting to have to watch what we say because she will remember. the other day cameron and i were...getting physical...and we forgot to lock the door. suddenly the most frightening sound in the world- the door opening. we startle up and pull up the covers, i'm still on top of cameron and there is JJ standing in the doorway. 'let me guess, you guys are kissing' ahahahaha. thankfully she didn't see anything. she is honestly so smart and so cute- just love that little thing.
Alana. alana. alana. that little thing. she plays almost all the time too but where JJ has become super helpful alana has become even more defiant. she loves to help and feel a part of things which is wonderful but tell that girl no and she does not accept. she steals and sneaks. she locks the door and tells you to go away. when she is helping and being sweet she is a pleasure. she wants to help cook and clean and it is very sweet when she is helping. but ask her to clean her room and she will just sit on the floor all day because she doesn't want to do it. she causes me the most heartburn. inside she is so sweet and just wants to be part of things. its been helpful that her communication is getting better but she still just wont take no as an answer. We have been telling her that she cant play in the water in the often...the other day i was feeding william and listening to calvin scream for about 45mins. when i went upstairs to put the boys to bed i hear the water running the bathroom. the door was locked. i unlocked it. and there sat alana and walker. naked. with their feet in the sink. the water was running full blast- a waterfall onto the floor. they had taken an entire roll of toilet paper and desitigrated it into the sink. meaning that the sink was white, chunky, a sewer system...there was toilet paper on the walls, the mirror, them, the towels. they had flooded the bathroom for so long that it leaked down into the garage. and the sink was completely clogged with toilet paper. i lost it. i mean royally lost it! but was that the last time? oh no no no. nor was it the first time. two day later she and walker were locked in the bathroom again and i got a frantic phone call from cameron because he had just found them flooding the bathroom. or how about today when she took her cup upstairs and filled it with water and was drinking the water with a spoon- spilling it everywhere. then she loves to be naked. loves it. walker i get it- he's two. but alana! i should not have to ask where her clothes are and why she is naked as many times during a day as i currently do. and she changes her underwear everytime she goes to the bathroom- generally she changes all her clothes as well- which means all the underwear is used in about three days. but i guess i should be happy she is going to the bathroom since for about a month she was peeing in the front yard- since lexi (a neighbor girl) told her to;.....i mean the front yard?
on to walker. the kid is obsessed with spiderman. in a big way. he has spiderman underwear, shoes, hats, jackets, sunglasses, sheets, blanket, pillow, socks and shirts. oh and dont forget the spiderman costume that he wore to death so we had to get another one the next size up so that he could keep wearing it. one guess as to what he is being for halloween. he says 'i'm spiderman! i'm peter parker!' we've let him watch the first spiderman movie- perhaps its too violent for a little guy but he just loves it so much. its incredibly cute. he and cameron are best buds. cam loves to take him to home depot because well the girls hate home depot and walker loves it. they play 'spiderman' together where walker is spiderman and cameron is the 'lizard' and they fight each other. mostly he is delightful. but there are times when he is a brat! he has gotten so whiney and just flips out if he doesn't get what he wants. he will jump up and down screaming. usually because he wants his sippy, to watch a show , play with jens (his best friend across the street), or not go to sleep. he hates going to sleep! in the mornings though he loves to get into bed with us and snuggle back to sleep. with his little feet stuck in our clothes and his hand on your face...its sweet. he is so much more aggressive then the girls- throwing himself off of the couch or jumping from stairs. he loves to fight and play with cars. we cant get away from the fact that he does have older sister though. he wants to get his fingernails painted and go on 'daddy daughter dates'. but the best is when he puts on the girls dress ups. the high heels or the princess dresses. its so funny. he has no idea the difference between girls and boys clothing and he just wants to have fun with this sisters. he does understand the difference between their bodies though. the other day he was in the shower with cameron and said 'daddy, you have a peeni- just like me- your peeni is big. mine is small' another time he looked in his underwear and said 'mom! my peeni is big!' he was so excited that it was bigger then a while later when his body had calmed down a bit he goes 'my peeni is small again' hahaha. cant help but laugh at a child's innocence and how much more aware he is of his body then the girls are of theirs. oh and boat is a moat...he and cameron find them all the time and point them out to each other- yes cameron says 'moat' as well.
ok its late, i have to go to bed, that is the first update.
here are pictures from the last few months...not in order but pictures nontheless