Thursday, December 17, 2009

some great stories

ok, i realize that i need to share some funny stories about my girls, mainly so that i have them written down for future laughter. As we all know i use this as a journal so here are some funnies from this week.
Jade now can get herself in and out of her room with ease, its a problem. This means that at 3am if she wakes up instead of going back to sleep she walks into our room, "Mama..." and she gets to snuggle bug with us until i take her back to bed. it also means that when we want her to take a nap or go to sleep we have to either hold the door closed or tie the door closed, as she can unlock it too...really we just need to get one of those door knob things that make it impossible to open the door. This getting herself in and out leads us into a few stories:
First: In the mornings i try to put jade in her room for 'quiet time' while i put alana down for a nap. This worked great pre-door opening. so, yesterday i put jade in her room and put alana down for a nap. i went down stairs to work my flab away with "Crunch" (yeah, its that annoying, but it gets me sore). As i'm squatting my life away i hear over the baby monitor, "is okay lana, is ok, is ok lana, is ok". Jade had heard alana grunting, had gotten out of her room (closed the door behind her) and gone into Alana's room where she had closed the door than climbed up onto the crib so she could see Alana. I walked into Jade telling Alana it was ok and Alana laughing at her. Yeah...this is why i'm a stay at home mom.
Second: Yesterday was a bad day for me emotionally. I realized that I am community property. Everything about my life is for the family. It started with Jade dropping my favorite pot of eye shadow on the floor, resulting in crumbs of gold sparkles... Now one may ask "Christie Anne, what the, aren't you the girl who tried her hardest to be a boy, a tough girl?" to this i replay, yes, i was this girl. but things have changed. I now really LIKE make-up. And i would not have been devastated except for the fact that its $15 a pot of this stuff. MAC is not cheap. So, first the make-up, then i was trying to do exercises and after Jade comforted Alana she came down to 'help' me work out....try doing lunges with a two year old in front of you, or those leg extensions, or when your on your side balanced precariously trying to follow the lady who you can barely see and Jade is pulling and pushing...yeah...then we took Cameron to school and waited...and waited...and waited...what was supposed to take a half an hour took two! and he couldn't call me since it was a flippin' final. yeah. two hours in the car with nothing prepared, right when they need to take a nap...i was grouchy. Anyway, there is my mood for you, i was very annoyed. and was realizing that the sooner i get over trying to do things for me, when i realize i'm community property the happier everyone will be. its true. Children force selflessness. if you try to be selfish you will pay, you will be punished. Anyway!! wow, so finally i got the girls down for afternoon naps and laid down (as i was ridiculous tired). about two hours later (yeah i know,i got a significant nap) my sweet jade came out of her room whimpering. She walked next to my bed 'mama..' i picked her up and snuggled her next to me. And, miracle of miracles we slept, both of us. What a tender mercy it was. To have my sweet daughter snuggled next to me. When i finally got up to get Alana i felt totally renewed. and i remembered that that is what being a mom is all about. Really really hard mornings and than amazing moments. A simple moment where you cannot hold in how much you love this little squirmy child. Anyway...It was good. The Lord loves me, i know this because He gives me little miracles when i need them most.
Now a little about Alana:
She is hilarious! honestly! She growls. seriously growls. like a monster, esp when she is eating. She could be sound effects in a movie. She loves Green Beans and HATES apple sauce. She is huge! and loves to be kissed on. unless you have facial hair to which she tries to get away from you. She likes to tease her sister. I know how does a 6 month old tease her sister. Well, she touches her whenever possible. When i move her so she can no longer grab at Jade she shimmies her way quickly back to her older sister. Wonder of Wonders! Alana sleeps through the NIGHT! i know. i couldn't be more stoked. honestly. She wakes up about 6:30 for a bottle than goes right back to sleep until 8ish. amazing, i know. life really is getting wonderful. I get to hear Jade pick up so many things like 'hi honey!' 'you're fine' 'is ok lana' 'i love you' etc. those are my favorites. being a mom is hard, i mean, really, you have to be community property and be ok with that, but once you get over that you get to witness miracles.
one last thing. my husband is amazing. I have heard from some that their husbands are hard to get to go to things, like they aren't very sentimental. think 'incredibles' "Its not a graduation, they are moving from the fourth grade to the fifth grade!..." my sweet man is not one of those. I wanted to take Jade to "The princess and the Frog". I didn't think he would care if he didn't go. I wanted to go during the day- get out of the i made plans. than when i told him i really looked at him....he looked...disappointed. i asked, "are you sad you're not going?"
"Yeah, i wanted to see Jade at her first real movie." We went to a later showing and he took work off early so that he wouldn't miss her first movie in the movie theater. we went all out at the concession stand. He didn't want to miss this. Then he insisted on sitting next to her. I realized that i found a gem. A man who can see how important the very small things are. how important it is to make memories with your kids and be there for them. Who realized that going to a movie was more important than anything else he had to do that day. wow. i'm so lucky.
There are some thoughts for you!


Unknown said...

cute kids.

Annie Jane said...

Those are some sweet stories. Cameron is a great dad. I love how you call yourself "community property." Wow--SO true!!! What a funny way to put it. I am still not used to it though--but I am only mad about it a few days out of the month. The rest the time I am very grateful and want to have more kids! So I guess it is workin out!