Wednesday, July 15, 2015

catching up is fun to do fun to do to do to do

we got chicks- we bought them online to add to our little flock. they are so cute. we are loving them. unfortunately the first sultan we bought died within a couple of days. we tried everything to keep her alive. we hand fed her warmed up applesauce, sugar water...anything...she just didn't want to make it. we got a new sultan and she seems to be doing great.

the nuskin easter egg hunt was fun this year- all the kids got lots of candy and had a great time.

Easter 2015
we waited until the babies were in bed for a nap to dye easter eggs. it was worth it. the kids had a great time. we got fake eggs this year since we dont have any chickens laying white eggs nor do we want to support big chicken farms. they dont work. the black ones were cool because we could put chalk on them (it didn't stay well). but since the eggs are hollow they dont sink and they dont really hold the was disappointing. when we put the eggs outside for the kids to find they also didn't stay were we wanted them to stay since the wind moves them all over the year we will have to find a new plan.

i made easter dresses for the girls and a matching bow tie for walker. the kids are so cute. we started planting some starter seeds for our garden. its so wonderful to make these memories with the kids- even when it is hard. of course cameron and i had a different idea of how we would plant with the kids. i just want to GO. go super fast- everyone just throw stuff together. cameron wants a method, slow...we kind of butted heads. but the kids had fun and we did get a few things planted. alana is loving to put diapers on her head...funny girl. jj is so great we love her so much

we had a little pre-birthday party because dale and marla were in town and wanted to make sure they could come celebrate with us.  i made the chocolate pudding for the boys cake. it was a hit! they loved it. but who doesn't love creamy chocolate pudding with whipped cream on top?? no one. especially when it is homemade

April 24th
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TWINS! we had a family birthday party for the twins. Luchi and Joel came. it was really nice to see them. the babies took a minute to get into their cakes. calvin really understood after a while how to pick that sucker up and eat it but william eventually just smashed his face into the cake hands to either side. they were so cute. i cant believe that we have made it a year. what a whirlwind. they are sweetest little babies. calvin is much easier now then william.  william is just more picky and way more vocal. he only likes to sleep in his crib by himself with a WARM bottle whereas calvin will sleep in the car, on your chest, in your arms etc and will have anything in his bottle.  calvin is so much more easy going. he just wants to snuggle you. will wants to wrestle.  will is going to be the dare devil and cal will be standing on the side laughing and telling will not to go sky diving. they are fun to watch. they make each other laugh and fight hard. cal is getting better about holding his ground.  they help each other get into things.  they love the bathroom and drawers.  i have enjoyed these two so much. i'm so lucky to be their mama

cameron has been loving these chickens! he goes out and picks up rolly pollies to feed them from his hand. and they sure eat them! he loves to watch them chase him or chase each other. they are beautiful birds and the kids adore them. the babies are crawling everywhere. including the garden...we are trying the 'back to eden' gardening method this year. we'll see how it works. you put down wood chips which makes it so you have to water a lot less or not at all and it controls all the weeds. hope it works.  alana makes us laugh with her silliness all the time. at the park the other day walker said 'dad i want to go home. i'm so tired i'm gunna die!' lol. dramatic little fella. 

may 15th
it was alana's 6th birthday.  she had a pirate party. She had a great time! we all dressed up and then gave out pirate hats, jewelry, and eye patches to the kids. we had pizza, did a treasure hunt, broke a pinata, and had cake.  the pinata was even in the shape of a pirate ship. I made a treasure chest cake. alana is such a sweetheart. she loves everyone upon meeting them. she will jump into someone arms and immediately invite them to play with her. she wants everyone to be part of her fun. she lives in a world full of adventure and imagination. there are many times that i come upstairs and she is playing alone with her toys- she is happy, making worlds and conquering bad guys. she and walker are becoming better and better friends. they love to play together and take baths. when we ask them to say something they love about the other it is always- they play with me. alana wanted everyone to come to her party- strangers at the store, everyone at church, neighbors, everyone. she invited people to her birthday party for a full year before her birthday. she picked her theme from the Fancy Nancy book about Nancy's little sister's birthday party. she would point to that cake and say that was the cake she wanted over and over. she wanted a pirate party just so she could have a treasure chest cake with candy all over it. cameron dressed up and led everyone on the treasure hunt making sure that alana was the one in front that found the treasure chest at the end. she is better now that we have figured out the urinary tract stuff and school as really helped her. her communication is so much better. now that she knows that we are listening to her and that she can understand us we fight a lot less and her sweetness is so much more visible.   our sweet girl has such a tender heart. she wants so badly to be a 'good' girl. everyday she will ask 'i'm being a good girl right mom?' oh my sweet girl. i hope she never doubts that she is a good girl. i want her to always know that she is wonderful, smart, beautiful , fun, interesting. her voice is so beautiful. she sings like an angel.  most of the time she sings to herself around the house- at times we will sit and be her audience while she makes up songs to sing. i love this little girl. happy birthday my sweet amazing daughter.

we cleaned out the kids bedroom...we took everything out in order to go through things and organize them.  It was a nightmare. we threw away a lot of stuff...thankfully their room is easier to keep clean now. not that it ever is clean. it just is easier when we try...or rather when i clean it up.

Cameron went on a field trip with Jadynne to Tracy Aviary.  They had a great time. Cameron didn't have to worry about any other kids, just JJ so that was really like a date for the two of them.  At one point a bird landed right on Cameron's head.  Those two came home with lots of jokes and stories- laughing together.  Cameron is loving birds more and more everyday.  They are so beautiful. they had a wonderful time together in her last field trip of the year.

the twins love the little truck that we bought walker one year. they usually fight over who gets to sit in the front. they climb on the top and through the windows.  they are darling.  our chickens are so cute. lucy our little bantam doesn't lay very often but when she does her eggs are tiny and perfect.  everyone fights over who gets to eat her eggs.  many nights we have water fights (we meaning cameron and the kids) which ends up with everyone wet sitting on the steps in the backyard.  cameron is amazing at making memories with the kids.

cameron went to ben and rachel's sealing in kansas city mo.  He had a wonderful trip.  It was beautiful there. they have crazy bugs taht make tons of noise and the landscape is amazing.  He even saw a sign with his name which he took to mean we were supposed to move there. They visited liberty jail and do you spell that?  it was so great for him to be with his brother and parents.  

Obviously i was exhausted. it is so cute to see the kids play together but apparently we can only get pictures of them watching shows together while eating breakfast. haha.

June 10-20th
I went to yoga teacher training. It was amazing! I learned so much. Marla came to help cameron with the kids. They went to the park, had special food in honor of watching the box-car children on Netflix.  They were everywhere. I came home everyday to the dishes done, and the floors swept.  I think Marla folded more laundry in 7 days then i do in a month.  It was wonderful for her to be here with us.  The kids loved being with Grandma.  Yoga TT was a profound experience that changed me.  I had more spiritual experiences in those ten days then i have had in ten years..I felt so much more open, so much love.  I cannot wait to go to another training.  

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