Tuesday, April 6, 2010


well, we had a great easter, does anyone say anything else? wouldn't it be funny if someone was like man easter sucks!!! ok ok i'm back on track. well, on saturday cameron called me on his way to school to tell me that the park was hosting a big easter egg hunt for kids in about 20mins....i rushed, i got the kids ready, i ran around the house and i got out into the stroller in the freezing wind. as i locked the house i heard from the park's direction a loud voice...we missed it...they had started without us...no egg hunting...we still braved the weather to go to the store and get eggs to dye and candy to add to my hips. the easter bunny came saturday night and left a great little basket for jj and one for cameron even. wow. jade had candy, movies, sunglasses, and a fake cell phone in her basket. what an easter bunny i'd say. target must have been having a sale...and the disney store...we went to the mall on saturday and it was so fun and not good all at once...never go into the dinsey store with a girl that has huge eyes to look up at you. There were these gold belle slippers that light up when walked on...they are platforms, lets be honest for 7 dollars how could be refuse? Jade calls them her 'princess shoes' she kind of likes them...a lot! on sunday we dyed eggs on the kitchen floor, it was very fun. i made sugar cookies and...failed, miserably. i turned up the oven too high, which burnt the first batch then none of my pans were cleaned...i gave up. Jade did like cutting out the cookies. but we did not eat any that were cooked up. after conference on sunday cameron hid a bunch of eggs out on the lawn/dirt patch. Jade loved it. we had fun. lets be honest alana couldn't care less about the duck i got her, and i didn't get her any candy. yeah, she doesn't need more sugar. on the thursday before this weekend i decided to make jade an easter dress....hours later i got a dress out and although it may have looked ok on it did not work--too much vision not enough functionality. we had jesse and sarah come over for dinner on sunday which was great. we played 'ticket to ride' and of course i won!!! wahahahahaaaaaa! it felt great, although i really shouldn't gloat because they hadn't played before so eh- next time they will kill me. anyway it was great to spend time with them, i love my family.
conference was great- unfortunately i slept a lot...i'm a little tired. but really the main message i heard was about being a good parent. how important it is to be there for your kids, to be a good example and to love them unconditionally. i'm now trying to get to the gym at 5am so that i'm up and happy by the time they wake up. i did it for the first time today and so far its working, we'll see how long i can do this.... pictures!!

1 comment:

Annie Jane said...

Your kids are looking so big! Especially Alana!
I loved the parts about parenting so much too. I have never felt more rewarded while watching conference. usually i feel inspired but not rewarded. This time i felt like i was getting a pat on the back for many things we do (or don't do) day after day for the purpose of goodness and it was so great to hear that our hard work was worth it.
Wish we could have been there for the train game! Danny is dang good at that game!
P.S. sorry i am commenting on everything at once, i haven't checked blogs in while...nor written one. Need to get on that!