Friday, April 30, 2010


I got a job!! Before I left to go and search for jobs i knelt down and prayed that the Lord would guide my feet. I went everywhere, I got a lot of applications. The last place I went was Ruby River. My neighbor Jay works there and we all know that he is leaving since he is done with school, lucky. So I went in, acted like i was the best human being to grace this planet and got an interview right there. The manager just graduated from UVU in English and wants to be a professor (yaeh i got that lucky). therefore the entire interview was pretty much talking about english. I couldn't ahve picked a better manager. At the end of the conversation he said to call him on Sunday and that I would probably start on monday- yeah. Amazing i know. I was shaking so hard the whole time and my heart was going a million miles a minute. I forgot how scary it is to put yourself out there. I mean, its just scary to go in and sell yourself...I'm really hoping everything will be ok, the schedules wont be too hard and htat i'll make a ton of money...I've been a stay at home mom for almost three i'm going to be working part time and honestly, i'm scared to death. but super excited that my prayers were answered. Thank you Jay for letting me throw your name around. :D

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