Monday, August 18, 2014

8/18/2014- just before school starts

ok ok ok i'm a day late. sigh. honestly i forgot last night. so i'm thinking that monday morning will have to work this week. at least its within 12 hrs! dammit it counts! well this was our last week of summer. starting tomorrow school starts for the kids and starting today is ballet. so the craziness essentially starts today. i have the girls in ballet and soccer and jj is doing the violin while alana is taking a beginning piano class. although the piano class is more like a general music class they do theory and singing stuff too. i think she will love it. especially since she is making up songs all the time. this morning she was standing on the patio by herself just singing away. so cute. thankfully soccer only lasts for a month so it wont be this crazy the whole year just this first month. alana and JJ are loving soccer. they are pretty cute- we still need to get them shoes and shin gaurds-add it to the list. i dont have walker in anything. i kind of feel bad about it but at the same time he doesn't turn three until the 8th of september and its ok for a three year old not to be in stuff right? i mean he's little still. he has become quite the pill bucket though. screaming his little face off so much! he just gets so mad when he doesn't get what he wants.
what did we do this week? nothing exciting. we went for a hike on saturday up the the grotto.  it was wonderful. at first walker was very hesitant about hiking without holding our hands but cameron kept saying 'you can do it buddy' and soon walker was saying 'i can do this! i can do this! dad i did it! look i did it!' the kids really had a great time hiking. JJ didn't want to stop hiking and i think we would have kept going had alana not fallen down and scrapped her knee. after that alana was ready to be done. we went to costco right afterward and it must have been the day for multiples to be at costco!  we met a family with twins by the diapers and then another family who had 9 month old triplets. bless that mamas heart. it was crazy. its nice to know that there are other people in the world who understand the craziness of multiples. i kind of dont remember what its like to have just ONE baby. Cameron is in the process of moving the babies into walker's old room. so walker is with the girls and we will have the twins in another room- dun duh dun!! we will have our own room! its pretty crazy though because he also decided we need to switch the clothes for the boys and sell the stuff they aren't wearing which means that we have bags of clothes to sell everywhere! its a mess. i tell you what one day of not cleaning ruins the house for weeks!
this week i made grape juice and went up to uofu with cameron for an informational meeting about occupational therapy. we are both going to get our masters in that in the next few years. its going to take tons of work essentially we both have 10 prereq classes to take and the gre before december 2015. ouch. its going to be a little crazy i'll tell you that. it will be something i think we will both really enjoy and make good money- plus plus.
i can tell that school needs to start because the kids are getting more and more wild. they have been at each other's throats lately. the other day i hear the kids not just crying but screaming crying- i go upstairs- whats the matter? 'alana wont listen to me, she hurts my feelings when she doesn't listen to me!' 'Jadynne doesn't want to play with me!' 'I was trying to tell her i wanted to play with her but she wouldn't listen to me!"
yeah. i know. i'm not cut out for all that emotion.  either they are fighting with each other or they are fighting with the neighbor kids. 'she doesn't like me' 'they wont play with me' 'they are keeping secrets' and when i go outside the neighbor kids are saying the same thing about them or that they aren't listening! its time for school!!! it will be nice to have walker here without the girls everyday, i think we can play and it will be good for us to have alone time (kinda with the twins). ok since it is monday morning i have tons to do- exercise, go pick apples to can, make strawberry freezer jam, clean clean clean, oh and i'm forgetting something cameron wanted me to do....shoot.

forgot to add- mom got her diagnosis this last week and!!! it was stage one! so they removed the mass. we live in a miraculous time. she had cancer in the morning and that afternoon she no longer had cancer. isn't that amazing! so she will have to go back in every couple months for the next year or two to make sure that nothing grows back but she is going to be great. what a relief. 

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