Wednesday, October 29, 2008

And another one comes along

Yesterday I went to the Midwife clinic for my first appointment to find out how far along I am. The whole time leading up to this appointment I was sure that they would say, 'wait why are you here? That test was wrong your not really pregnant.' Obviously that didn't happen. We went through all the rigamroul of putting me in the computer. Then the midwife decided to just see if we could hear the heartbeat. We could. That amazing pulsing, swish swish swish, of a new life swirled around us and finally this seemed real. I am going to have another child. There is a small life growing inside of me once again. I, of course, started to cry. To realize this is real was overwhelming. When I first heard I was pregnant I wasn't very happy about it, but how can I not be thrilled when I finally heard that little heart. Its amazing to already love something you cant see and cant even really feel yet. Anyway, after that we went to get an ultrasound to see my exact due date. The tech did all the measurements then turned the screen toward me and that was when I saw my new little gummy bear. That is what it looks like, haha, a gummy bear. So cute. So according to the measurements I am due- May 27th. But according to the measurements with Jadynne was due Dec 5th. We all see how close that was. Jadynne measured small evey ultrasound, so, maybe the same will be true for this baby, who knows.

We also took some pics of Jadie in her 1st Halloween costume. I decided to make her a turtle! Oh man, I think it turned out so cute! Like my mother, I just have a hard time stopping. I just want to keep adding and adding until it would be so elaborate she couldn't even wear it is in the car.

I'm also posting some pics of us at a pumpkin farm. Wonderful Mindy made the long drive with me so I could get this super good deal. They were, and are I guess, selling as many pumpkins and you can get into a cart for $25. I got 21...I know we could have gotten more but I started to feel guilty. It was awesome. Plus it was super fun to go and pick pumpkins, I felt like I was in F-town again. Running over to Scott Goodpasture's picking out my pumpkin to carve. Very fun. Anyway, those are our comings and goings. And if I can I'll post a few videos of Jadie's 'tricks'

ok well this is Jadynne climbing up the stairs...pretty cute.


Annie Jane said...

Wow! What to say! You have a blog! Hooray! You have a DARLING, ADORABLE little turtle! And you have a cute little gummy bear growing inside. hahaha. Funny. Congratulations, Christie and Cameron! I am so excited to see more of your blog!!

Karen said...

Yeah, I am so glad that I can keep tabs on you now...all we need is for Sarah to join in. I can't believe how big Jadynne is getting. Congrats on the one on the way. You are a wonderful mom. Can't wait to see you guys for Thanksgiving!