Thursday, October 30, 2008

Young Womens

I forgot to post about mutal yesterday! We acutally brought a camera so...there are pictures! We dressed up and carved pumpkins and decorated cookies. It was lovely. When I was younger...well heck even now, when ever I was uncorfortable or felt insecure (which was just about always) I would go nuts. I never wanted anyone to know how insecure I was so I always pretended to be totally confident. Consequently, I was totally weird and crazy for a long time, trying to fool everyone. Now that I'm older and I'm in charge of Young Women sometimes its hard for me to remember these girls dont respond the way I did. I mean, in high school you are so concerned about being cool its almost a handicap. Anyway, the point is that, during this party it was so evident that no girls wanted to put themselves out there. They couldn't go all out in the costumes, or have a lot of fun with the pumpkins of cookies. No one could really enjoy themselves because they were so scared to be thought of as silly. Isn't that sad? A few girls did dress all the way up but mostly they just couldn't. If only we could get over our shyness and just be ourselves. I think a huge lesson to remember is that no one is really focused on you, everyone is focused on themselves. I just felt sad that we couldn't have a great time because everyone was so scared. This feeling of shyness doesn't just go away with high school either. A lot of people, I think, still have to deal with feeling out of place or not knowing what to do in situations. Can I just ask a favor, whenever you are around me stop worrying! Just be you. And I'll just be me. I promise not to judge you or think your weird. Lets have fun and let go and stop worring if we are going to look weird or get ridiculed...we're going to be fine! enough are my girls...i love these girls so much...bonus points if you can figure out first where i am and second what i am...Oh yeah, and the girl in front with the mustache and purple tights is 'White Trash Woman' the white trash super hero...haha Ashlee is great

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