Sunday, October 19, 2008

Our Family

Well, I decided I'd better join the blogging sphere. I just love to see my family's blogs so much I thought I should really get into this. So, my first blog I guess I should just tell everyone what is currently happening? Cameron is still going to school, he will be walk in April and then take a few classes during the summer and finally be done. Great news I know! He still works for NuSkin. I finally got to see his office (its one of those secret kind of places...kind of like the priesthood session at confrence). It was pretty nice, he is surrounded by Lawyer offices and wow they are nice. I had this thought the other day-- we always look up to people who have a lot of money, we always want to be them. What we dont understand is how much work it usually takes to get there. I mean if you think about being a doctor or something, there is a lot of school to get through. They have to go to tons of school and then they work long hours after they are graduated. I mean in order to make a lot of money you have to work super hard, no way around it. so I was just thinking that instead of always looking to 'redistrubute wealth' or looking up and envying we instead need to look into our own lives and work. We can make our lives anything we want them to be its just up to us what happens. Instead of blaming everyone else for our lives or just wishing things were different. Lets take control of our lives.
Sorry for the rant. Back to the family. Jadynne is full of tricks. She is a super fast crawler. She loves to clap and sometimes we can get her to wave. She loves pointing, we often have 'ET' moments. She can crawl up the stairs super fast. Mostly she just loves to stand up. Any some what stable object is used to pull herself up. When we hold her hands she walks. Mostly she doesn't want sit if she can be held up for walking. Throughout all of this is makes noise. She loves the sound of her own voice. Dadadada, dgadgadga. Sometimes if i'm really lucky she will say mama. I feel pretty awesome when that happens. It amazing how fast she grows up. I dont think its possible to love this little girl anymore than we do. Finally on to mommy, me. Well, nohting new is really going on with me. I finally got my new glasses so duh dah duh dun!! I can see all the time! its pretty awesome. I'm still in YW. Its wonderful, I'm more one of the girls then a leader. um...oh yeah one more piece of news for me. i'm pregnant. Nothing huge just my life being turned upside down again. so thats the Bradys

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