Wednesday, October 21, 2009

big girl room

well, Alana grew out of her bassanette. amazing. she is wearing 6-9month clothing right now. i put her in some 12monthers actually and just roll up the sleeves sometimes. it is really quite amazing that she has grown so much, so quickly. Anyway, her growing so fast necessitated Jade going into her big girl room. My sweet mother for my birthday last year bought a queen sized bed for Jade to move into. So it was decided she was moving into her room. We went to walmart and i took the kids drapes down. i held them in front of her and said 'Jadynne which one do you want in your big girl room?' she said mickey, pointed to the princesses and then took the tinkerbell drapes and held onto them. a pretty clear sign i thought. i got the comforter that matched. Its actually a twin but considering jade's size i figured it would work out. i headed down the isle when suddenly jade reaches out of the cart and grabs a furry purple pillow and puts it in the cart. i thought, alright, you picked it, if it makes you sleep in a big girl bed ok. we continued shopping. i couldn't really see jade with alana on top of the cart so later i stopped the cart to check on her- she was much to quiet. low and behold, my little darling had arranged the comforter to be behind her. she had her shoes off and was laying on the purple pillow holding onto her new drapes.! oh boy. we decorated up her room with stick on tinkerbells and she was so excited. she kept saying tinkerbell! tinkerbell! at one point (while waiting to go and pick up daddy from school) jade disappeared. i went upstairs and she was laying on her bed sipping away looking at her tinkerbell room. There was really only one hard night of adjustment. naps took about two days but now she is a pro! she loves her bedroom, sher loves her freedom. its pretty amazing to see. plus i totally recommend getting a bed that you and your kid can sleep in, becaus that hard night was a lot easier since i got to fall asleep with her. Anyway- we all have our own rooms now!

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