Wednesday, October 21, 2009

the stairs!!!

so, our house is horriblily made, those hydes who grew up in the original house will understand when i say 'a bunch of drunk idiots' made this aptarment. one result is our horrible stairs. they are super skinny, and super steep oh and they are very small steps. a couple of weeks ago i fell down them two days in a row and both times i had alana in my arms. yeah. this was not in the middle of the night either, and no i was not drunk or on any medication. fully awake and fully aware i fell down the stairs. alana was fine thankfully. anyway, the day before i fell for the first time Jade took a major tumble. from the top step down to the door- wahbam!!! huge fall lots of tears, no good. two days later she was half way up and low and behold we hear the noises again. slip bang bang bang. she slipped FACE first down the carpeted stairs then rolled over and came to a stop with her feet on the door and her head slamming into the floor. it was not good. so now our child looks like we beat her. huge rug burn down her nose. wow. hate our stairs. oh and the next day she threw a tantrum outside where she threw herself onto the ground...her forehead right onto the concrete. awesome

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