Friday, November 20, 2009

back in the saddle again!!

we have new comp!! isn't that exciting!?! i think so. it was really expensive and we keep needing to buy more things to get it fully functional. isn't it annoying how you think you will pay one price and you end up paying a ton more, over and over and over again. wouldn't it be nice to go somewhere and have the actual prices marked. like, this comp cost this much which includes all the wires, software, desk, router and whatever else you will need to actually use it. anyway. we have been without internet for about a month so here is the update....dana came for halloween. it was awesome. i really love her and i wish we could live closer. i would be a lot fatter but hey we'd sure have a lot of fun getting there. Alana is close to crawling which is awesome as well. its really fun. she is so big, honestly, she wears 9-12months clothing at this point. i think that she and jade are going to be wearing the same size in not too long. Jade is...a tornato. she realized she is going to be turning two and therefore decided she needed to act her age, early. she moves around the house creating havoc so quickly its hard to believe it really is just one child. Cameron is still doing school. and work. he's tired. come to think of it so am i. i usually am up 4-6times a night. that may not seem too bad (if you're insane) but when you realize that i usually dont go to bed before 11 if i'm lucky...and i am up at the latest 7am....thats a lot of getting in and out of bed. yeah, i'm tired. there are some days when i think- i can i give this all back? just for half a day? thats it. honestly i think if i ever sleep through the night i will wake up and think i had died, or someone else had. i wont know what to do with all the excess energy. Jade's birthday is tomorrow. i have a two year old. me. a two year old. wow. do you ever wake up and think- is this my life? not in a bad way just in a wow, really? i'm at this point? i'm really old enough to be doing this? i do. so anyway, there is an update. i have tons to say as i've been mute for a month so hold on tight!! i'll get some pics up soon too. since i know no one actually reads this we all just look at blogs for the pics really. :)


Amanda Nemelka said...

Have you noticed that since you told me your blog I check it all the time? I just love how you word your thoughts. I totally relate. My mom is in town and we just had that conversation today about being a mom. "Can you believe you're actually in charge of these two kids?" is how it started. No, I don't believe it. I'm sorry about the sleep thing. Is it Alana still getting up that much? Or is Jade doing it too? I remember Chance doing that in phases.

Anyway...I'm hoping we actually can get together one of these weeks. I miss our chats.

p.s...Jeff may be able to help out with some software if that's your issue. You could call and let me know and I could check if we have it...

Christie said...

i miss you!! i haven't noticed because well....i haven't had internet. both children have conspired against me to get me up that much. alana is up at least 3 times, jade is the x factor of whether or not i'll be up 6 times or just 4 times. we may need him since we're going to have to do a flippin' router. so annoying.

Annie Jane said...

I liked your funny comment about Jade, "she realized she is going to be turning two and therefore decided she needed to act her age, early." :) Have you measured your girls waistlines? Me and my friend measured our five little daughters' waistlines ( ages 5, 4, 2, 2, and 1)...all the same!!! Haha, that is why Melia and Sophie can wear the same pants! Anyway, congrats on the new computer! I wish you all the best I can with the night time thing! Yuk!!