Monday, November 23, 2009

Happy Birthday Jadie!!

Jade's birthday was great! The party was so fun and everything went so well. Everyone knows my stress levels about food and thankfully we had leftovers. I get so worried about stupid things, i mean honestly for the first time in my whole life i have a canker sore in my mouth because of this stinkin' party. we had over family and the neighborhood kids. Jade loved playing with all the kids and i think she really got it that this whole thing was for her. She stood still and smiled so big when everyone sang her happy birthday. We had an extreme amount of presents though, wow. There were so many presents the moment that she was done opening one i pulled it from her hands to give her another one. It was marathon. We dont even need to give her anything for christmas i think i'll just wrap up some of the stuff she got for her birthday. She truly loved all the presents though. Well, all the kids loved them. We had so many presents that i hid the two we had bought for her, so that everyone didn't have to stand around and watch her open that many more. All and all it was so fun and so good. My daughter is two. wow. She is a little girl. She loves to put on make up with me when i get ready for the day. It would be so endearing if she didn't put her fingers in my expensive stuff and the wrong brush in wrong powder. anyone who has multiple brushes and expensive make up will understand what i sucks to have your powder brush full of dark brown eye shadow. Anyway, it really is cute how she puts on make up with the brushes and takes chap stick and puts it on her mouth. She also LOVES purses. anything she can sling over her arm is a purse. She loves babies and her kitchens. Joel bought her a little kitchen for her birthday so now her kitchen is fully stocked. that girl could whip out thanksgiving meals like it was nuthin'--that or plastic speghetti and pizza with some plastic katchup on the side. She really is so helpful. She loves her sister and loves her daddy. Oh and she loves Tina. the next time she wakes up in the middle of the night crying for Tina i'm going to take her across the way and hand her over. ;)
At night i've been trying to teach Jade about saying her prayers. So, before bed we kneel down and i say each word and she repeats. We have now done it so often she knows which words come next and just skips to them. here is a transcript of last night:
ME: Dear
Jade: Father
Me:Thank you
J:Tank to
M: For
J: Four
M: Family
J: Famey
M: Thank you
J: Tank to
M: for
J: four
M: Jesus
J: Jesus, Amen
M: in
J: in
M: the
J: the
M: Name
J: Amen
M: of
m: Jesus
J: AMEN!! (jumps into bed with a huge smile on her face.)
Of course at this point i cant help but laugh at which point she says 'so funny!' She really is so funny. Each night when i tuck her in she also has to roll her eyes at me. i think i'm raising a teenager in a two year old's body. Honestly, she rolls her eyes as far back as she can and keeps them there until i leave. She has this sly grin on her face na na na whatever mom! so funny. Well, there are some jems on our baby girl that is now a little girl. love her.

1 comment:

Dana said...

Happy, happy birthday to baby girl!! Christie you are the most amazing Mom. Seriously, the last two year old birthday party I went to was a kegger/barbecue, "where's the kid?" party! (: