Sunday, January 10, 2010

a few good men

We went to Cameron's cousin's son's baptism (wow i know) on saturday. I have to just post a little bit about it. The Walker family is amazing. Honestly. Every member of Cameron's extended family that lived within driving distance came to Jaxson's baptism, i mean everyone! It wasn't just his aunts and uncles, it was his mom's cousins, his grandparent's siblings. Even Lee and Mimi who dont even go to church came. What a show of support and family. I was so impressed. Cameron's family is so wonderful about being together. They make it a point to spend time together. I honestly feel like i've been adopted by Cameron's aunts and uncles. Sadly, i would say i would feel more comfortable calling them for help than i would calling some of my extended family. This kind of dedication is so hard to find. They are gems.
Now the sad part. Three boys were baptized on saturday and the saddest part about the day...not one had a worthy Dad to baptize or confirm them. Not one. It was either grandpa's or uncles who picked up the slack. I was struck by how sad that was and how hard this world is. The Lord expects us to be our very best and so few can actually do it. There seems to be so few good men. And while being worthy to perform in the priesthood is a public display of worthiness i wonder how our women are doing. I just look around and see how much evil there is in the world, how hard it seems to be to keep pure and good. Where are our candles set upon the hill? At the end of the day i found myself committing to be better than i was yesterday, to be worthy to call myself a christian, to be worthy to be counted among His sheep. let us all stand up and be one of those few good men.

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