Friday, January 15, 2010

my birthday...

so, its my birthday coming up and i need some advice. Mom is coming up to watch the kids overnight for us. so what should we do! we have about $100 to spend. we were going to stay in a hotel but...since i HAD to buy these flippin' jeans that i will not tell you how much they are the plans now must change if we want to do anything other than sleep in a super scary crappy place. instead we are probibly going to sleep at grandma walker's house...super comfy...all i need is to not hear my kids all night and sleep in as late as i want. awesome. so, ideas people. i need ideas. what would be best things to do for 24hrs.......k thanks for the help.

1 comment:

Dana said...

Well, I just examined this post and I have some ideas for my little married momma. You should look and see if there are any hot springs close by (Nevada has them everywhere so Utah might too) or you should pool hop, hot tub hop more likely. I like the water theme because then you can show off your amazing abs, nice body closeness and feeling of contentness which leads to better sleep.
But for a more active one, go ice skating and then have hot chocolate! Or pick a movie and snuggle.
All in all winter sucks for a hot date so I can babysit this coming summer if need be!! (:
I love you