Sunday, February 15, 2015

Let see if this helps...

I just uploaded an app for this- so let's see if this makes it easier for me to blog :) so I turned 30. It was awesome! Best birthday ever. Went to the temple and fid sealings with Cameron. Got new nike shoes and sweats. Came home and had a 'golden' party. Low and behold my parents surprised me!! So fun! I got a text from my mom saying she would be at the party in 5 mins- thought she was kidding- 5 mins later she strolls in. So amazing. We played charades and pictionary. What a blast. The babies are getting big. Hopefully things are going to get worked out with Alana. We took her to get an ultrasound on her bladder and kidneys. We go to the urologist tomorrow. We just need to figure out if something physical is going on with all the peeing. Talked to a couple ppl about autism. They think she might be on the spectrum. Sigh. Hope not. But mostly I just want to help her so that she will be happy and successful. Walker is a pill bucket. He cries all the time and throws fits constantly. Three is terrible. Then he is sweet. He tells me I'm beautiful or sweet. Ahh. Someday the fiesty three will end and our sweet bit will always be there. JJ is doing great. She has a spacer on the top if her mouth since she has Cameron's mouth: too small with too many teeth. It makes her lisp haha. But she is doing well with it. She is so stinkin smart and it's great to see her getting older. I enjoy her more and more. She is amazingly responsible and helpful (most of the time) she gets up and makes her bed. She has started laying her school clothes out the night before. All on her own!! Amazing. She cleans up to help me. Sometimes she is a pill but mostly she is wonderful. My kids are amazing. I love them so much. I'm so lucky. It's nice to have fraternal twins because it shows me that I literally have nothing to do with the development of my children- what a relief. I mean Calvin can now sit up and started crawling two weeks after William. William won't sit up but will pull himself to his knees and climb the stairs. Calvin loves to feed himself real food and William refuses. William will hold his own bottle Calvin won't. Amazing. It's so great to be a twin mom. To have two Snuggley sweet babies. To get to love them all the time, I'm enjoying my life so much. Now some photos

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