Monday, December 10, 2018


working and being a mom has led to a lot of tired days over here.  Thankfully Rachel and I have gone karoke-ing twice this month.  It has been super fun.  Rachel has an amazing voice.  Seriously she should have gone on the the voice or something.  She always sings these ballads.  I on the other hand hope everyone is drunk and just likes my enthusiasm because i am terrible. Ben and Cameron dont want to go with us.  So we end up by ourselves singing away.  It is very fun though.

Poker night is still going strong.  Thankfully some nights when I am on call I dont get called in and then I get to hang out with Cameorn and the kids- those are pretty great nights.  We have everyone over about every other week and we kick their trashes for the most part. also cameron has a hard time givng me a real face for pictures

It is starting to get warmer which is amazing.  Despite not having a yard the kids love to be outside in the sunshine.  We are really missing out yard in utah. 
Having a balcony also means that we get to scream new things at the kids. such as 'William!  Why are you peeing off the patio?? Pee in the toilet not outside!"  Maybe it shouldn't matter but when we live on the corner everyone sees your children act like animals

Since we live in a development that is still in the process of being built out we have an area that we call the 'dirt place' i'm sure that it used to be grazing land or something.  Now it is dirt that has been excavated but nothing is being built on it at the moment.  The boys love love love to climb on the hills.  I think we have brought whole mountains of dirt into the house via their shoes at this point.
Clear days like this one make me happy that we have moved. It was the first clear warm day since we got here and we had to go outside to make the best of it.  The clouds are enormous.  I felt like i was under a painting or in the truman show. We live really close to the air port and the air base so we see A LOT of planes overhead.  They are very loud and we get to see them a lot.

Cameron's birthday was great.  I mean delicious food and he wanted just a family party.  We sang for him and made a fuss.  Essentially we love him more now then we did a year ago. 
Of course having a family party to me didn't mean that we didn't do a party with all his family too.  I love birthdays.  I love making a fuss and throwing a party.  Everyone came and we played games.  Cameron has really gotten into nerds lately so we played that most of the night.  He is obessed with beating me- which he is only successful of doing if i've been drinking a bit.  Ok thats not true.  He is pretty fast but I have fun razing him about being faster.

This is one of Alana's teachers from school.  It is always weird to see people at work that I know in my real life and not as a server.  I get so embarrassed that i am a server.  I know I shouldn't be but I am. I had to take a picture though and send it to alana so she could see that her teacher came to my work.  I work a lot.  it is hard and i get really sick of it but the money is pretty good.  Its also hard not to hate people. or instantly judge them.  I am becoming less loving and more judgemental the more times I have people tip me less than 15% after sitting at my table for hours on end.
Cameron decided one day to see how many people he could have on him for a shoulder ride.  So he put JJ on his shoulders and then had william climb on JJ's shoulders. He had Alana and walker on his back at the same time.  And the twins took turns behind the girls.  Eventually he had me get on his shoulders which JJ on my shoulders and William on JJ' didn't feel great on my back and we fell over quickly.  When he just walked around with just me It was so scary- i'm so heavy I thought he was going to buckle.  When he bent over for me to fall on the couch of course I fell on the wood frame and knocked my breath out.
One weekend we went to the painted rocks.  It was freezing.  On the plus side that meant it was deserted.  on the minus side that meant it was freezing.  It took forever to drive out there and then once we were there the wind was biting.  We hiked all over.  It was really dazzling.  If it had been warmer we would have stayed longer.  Of course William had to run off and get lost.  He didn't follow very closely and when I turned around I was gone.  I wan't super worried but the people who found him sure were.  They were flipping out.  He was crying and of course I felt like a terrible parent because I had lost him.  We were lucky we didn't lose everyone in those caves.

Rachel and I went singing again and had a blast.  Of course cameron found this mask again- it is pretty epic.  his beard underneath make it even better. 

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