We love puzzles |

So i finally got my tattoo. I love it! It hurt a lot. Really a lot. It felt like a bunch of bee stings but I was able to sit for the whole thing with only one 5 minute break. I only bruised on my hip bone which i think is pretty great.
Marla came over and read some books to the kids after school one day. Which was great- the kids loved having her here to read to them.
Mother's day was great. This card the kids made me and of course i cried. Cameron got me a book I had told him I wanted months ago! It is awesome. Seriously this man knows me- getting me a huge book about folklore in iceland is the way to my heart. I cant believe that I have 5 kids. Mother's day I just kept thinking WHAT?? how do i have this many kids. I had to serve on mothers day- for the lunch shift. I was one of 5 mothers there that day and we got flowers which i thought was really nice. It also meant that I got some good tips since I got to talk about being a mom and working on mothers day. I even had someone give me a $50 tip!! i used it to get a pedicure the next day It was a great mother's day.
ALANA!! She turned 9! can you believe she is nine! We got her a guitar for her birthday. She sings constantly. She makes up songs all the time. then she will want to perform her songs and we have to tell her to finish them up or she would sing for an hour striaght. She is the sweetest child- none sweeter. She hugs and loves everyone. every person she sees she tells them how handsome or beautiful they are. We have had to tell her to tone it down because she literally says it TO EVERYONE- EVERY PERSON she sees. Everyone loves alana. She is sweet and fun. She does like her own space and likes to be in control. I love to see her grow up. She is enjoying minecraft and other nintendo games. Her favorite animal right now is owls. She has a stuffed owl that she carries around constantly. She loves to snuggle and have books read to her. one day we are going to help her be able to read all those books by herself.
So I put in a bunch of applications for jobs. I had an interview at a charter school and afterward had a phone interview (not even 5 minutes apart). I then had a second interview with the charter school where I met with kids who asked questions (that was weird) and an in person interview with the middle school who interviewed me over the phone first. Its heartening to have interviews after putting in applications at every job opening within a half hour drive from me.
Walker graduated kindergarten. I'm not sure why we call it graduation but we do. He looks so big. The boys loved seeing him walk across the stage. They called everyone's name and all the kids sang a song. It was funny to see other parents really make a fuss over this. There were people who brought huge balloons and whole boquets of flowers. It is really great to see our babies getting bigger.
After graduation we went to Bubba's and celebrated the end of school. We also celebrated that...i got a job. Actually i got two jobs! I was offered the job at the charter school and the job at the middle school. I chose to go with the middle school because the charter school sucks at dealing with kids that are IEP's (they have a k-12 program so all the kids would go to the same school with me) and the pay was crappier than the middle school. I would rather teach juniors in high school for sure. and it was in a better district...but...i cant take alana to a school that wont actually help her. I am super super excited that i actually have a job. We will see how I feel about middle schoolers.
JJ has been amazing in her magic shows. She is practicing for when we go to utah for the family reunion. AFter we spend time at some house we are going to have a birthday party for Rob and mom wants Jadynne to do the money trick my grandpa used to do. So now JJ is putting on these elaborate shows. She improvises when things mess up and is so entertaining. everyone loves to watch her magic shows
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