Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The 4th

Well, We had a very busy 4wh. We went to the parade in the morning. Had a bbq with our neighbors in the afternoon. Went to G.G. Brady's for the annual weaner roast for dinner and ended with Jesse and Sarah's for the fireworks. First I'd like to say that the parade was...lame. Honestly. I dont get it. Why camp out overnight for that? Plus, what is the point of camping out when people just end up getting in front of you into the middle of the street? The street was lined with families. They had brought tents, coolers, chairs and sleeping bags. I was wondering where the lake was with all this camping. Instead it was a lake of booths and loud music. The swirl of people seemed to the rising tide. We honestly were not that impressed, the strawberry day's parade was better this year and everyone agreed it was lame this year, but at least it had karate kids fighting and doing tricks as they passed. The bbq was great. And it was wonderful to see Cameron's Dad's side of the family. We got to see his Dad which was wonderful. I think he really loves his granddaughters. Of course they had to play ping pong which unfortunately Joel still beats Cameron at. Jesse and Sarah's was good. Its always so stressful to keep your kids up. We had decided to let Jade stay up for fireworks. By the end of the night we were on the hill watching the fireworks and she fell over asleep. it was hilarious. she was so tired she just fell face first. poor thing. but she did great the whole night, despite our worries. She didn't flip out until the next day. Once again we were disappointed with Provo and its works. They were probibly cooler in the actually stadium but outside, they really didn't seem worth it.
The friday before the 4th we also had a water fight. It was very fun. Cameron of course kicked my trash. Mostly i ran from him, even though i started the fight.
The other pictures: Jade loves to dump her cereal on the tray then slirp up the milk, like a puppy. she makes a huge mess, but its funny.
Alana is doing better. I never know what kind of day it is going to be. We do pretty well at home. I can juggle everything pretty well, its going in public thats the problem. I think the milk is finally out of my system now though because she is much happier. She is sleeping better and she is waiting longer to eat- which is great! I think her tummy must finally be feeling better, and the acid reflux medicine is working. AAAhhhh...mornings are our best time. :D life is calmer.

I also went to Dana's wedding two weekends ago. It was wonderful.She looked like a princess. They both looked so happy and so in love. My only regret was that i couldn't have been there from two weeks before and spent every moment with her. Dana is one of my best friends. i love her so much and it is wonderful to see her so happy.

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