Friday, July 31, 2009


Jadynne my sweet girl is now in the habit of making even more of a mess then she was in the past, which is shocking considering the messes pervious. We went to Ikea and got her plates, cups and flatwear. I thought it would be a good time to try to get her to use all these things, get her a little bit more grown up. Giving her these fun colorful dishes has seem to ahve the opposite effect though. She now dumps everything and when all the food in on her tray she puts the plate, bowl, or cup on her head and rubs....yes rubs. This can be quite amazing with eggs, or speghetti. Cereal ends up being on her tray instead of in her bowl. When every bit of liquid is on the tray the splashing starts. As a consequence to this Jade takes multiple baths a day. Perhaps the only reason she is doing all of this is because she loves baths...she is more diabolical then i thought. Either that or food was never this fun before.
so here are some pics of late- we even have a smiling girl!!! Alana can smile.

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